Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Funny Italian Phrases That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud

10 Funny Italian Phrases That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud Sign up successful 2. Braccia rubate allagricoltura Translation: Arms  stolen  from  agricultural  work This funny Italian phrase refers to someone whos studying or doing some type of intellectual work, but doesnt quite know what theyre doing. In other words, this person is better suited for farm work. Ouch! 3. Non avere peli sulla lingua Translation: Without hair on his tongue Do you want your friends honest opinion? Then ask him or her to say it without hair on his tongue. Just be ready for the brutally honest truth! 4. Saltare di palo in frasca Translation:  To jump from a post to a pile of branches This strange-sounding Italian phrase is similar to the English expression going on a tangent. Use this phrase when your friend is rambling on and on about something totally unrelated, and you just want them to shut up! 5. Avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca Translation: To have the wine cask full and the wife drunk Similar to the English expression, to have your cake and eat it to, use this snarky remark when you want to give a friend a hard time! 6. Avere le braccine corte Translation: To have short arms Meaning to have short arms, this funny Italian phrase is used to describe someone as cheap. In other words, the persons arms are too short to even reach for his or her wallet. This phrase comes in handy when your friend mysteriously forgets his or her wallet and leaves you to pick up the check. 7. In bocca al lupo Translation: Into the wolfs mouth Another strange sounding phrase, this Italian expression means good luck or the  English equivalent of “break a leg.” 8. Essere al verde Translation: To be on the green Are you broke as a joke? Use this useful Italian phrase when you have to reluctantly call mom or dad and ask for some money. At least they will be happy youre learning Italian! 9. Fare le corna a qualcuno Translation: To have the horns put on you A popular saying in Italy, this expression means that your girlfriend is cheating on you. Sorry guys! 10. Tirare il pacco Translation: To throw the package The English equivalent of the expression to stand someone up, this funny Italian phrase means that your friend or date never showed up to meet you. If you want to sound like a native Italian, practice these common Italian expressions with your English-speaking friends. If nothing else, youre sure to have a laugh! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Asim Bharwani

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